Saturday 15 October 2016


Taken apart at the seams
I still see you in my dreams
Forcibly moved in different directions
Left alone with our reflections

What happened? We used to spend all of our time together
Now it feels like we've been apart forever
Why can't we go back to the way it once was
The answer I get is one word, Because...
A list of excuses spring from her mouth
Easy to say, not her time that's running out
Growing up, growing away from each other
Is it what you want? No father just a mother
A drum beat, I can feel it inside of me
In front, there is only reflection I see

I remember the first time I laid eyes on you
The surprised smile you wore when I blew
Gently on your face. Perfect picture of serenity and grace.
But then you had to go back on medication
To spare you the pain you were in
Long nights sleepless, by your bedside
So grateful you made it through alive
The rest of my life was gonna be you and me
Every night read you stories, sing you to sleep
Little one, be in no doubt, I was forcibly cast out

It tore me up to see you cry
My job is to care and clear up your eyes
I've been downgraded to a visiting position
Begging compromise, no one here listens
She doesn't care you want time with your father
Our shared pain and misery, we know the author
What happened the person we once loved?
That online has been scribbled and smudged
Don't worry baby, we'll always have each other
Despite the efforts of that other.

Be with you soon. Never give up.
Hate how your used as a crutch.
I hope you feel my dedication.
Love, your eternal reflection.

15/08/16 Balor O'Brien