Tuesday 26 July 2016

An Bron

This poem I wrote on a flight back from Paris to Shannon in November 2015. It is for a girl I knew who died when she was 20 years old. She was a unique spirit with a love for video games. I think about her often, what happened her. I wanted to write something to reflect how she has impacted my life and others. Please let me know how it reads. And if you think of it, do something for cystic fibrosis. An Bron Sorrow tore deep, a bottomless pit Tragedy struck, a lifetime early A hero, too soon sent through the rip Memories left, of someone other-worldly. Saving souls, inspiring new creation This super has our eternal appreciation A brave legend, faced insurmountable odds. Fire blazed in those eyes, steely determination Qualities revered and applauded by the Gods. Her absense nothing but abhorrent abhoration A heroine began early, helping those in need Kind, warm-hearted, healing emotional bleeds Duty honoured, no complaint serving time Before life could begin. Spirited, impatient, seized life early Her removal early, a most terrible crime Showing the world how to be worthy Of this, a fragile moment, where we stand, stacked in our billions Even our greatest heroes balanced, precariously above oblivion. The beast hated her essence, her good It struck, a cruel and brutal blow A budding rose, cut down where she stood The demon buried her, deep in the snow Seething, determined that nothing will grow, salted the earth Fuming, oozing displeasure, it can't remove her actions, can't reverse her birth Taking her, removed presence, premature and cruel A people, a family, left empty, clutching one another Devastating horror, we remember her as a child in school But, brushing aside tears, heaving shoulders reduce to a silent shudder Understanding, accepting her transition where she patiently awaits A place of tranquility, magic, the shore, the other side of the lake. Now she lives With those we remember Those non-living recall Those who left at once Happy. She sees what she has done, Her spirit has flown Changing the lives of those she loved Balor O'Brien

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